A World Read Aloud Day Visit with Mrs. Meucci’s Crew!
Last week I was super pumped to visit Mrs. Meucci’s class and read Mr. Walker Steps Out with them for World Read Aloud Day! Mrs. Meucci is the mega-awesome fourth-grade teacher who refused to skip her weekly storytime with her students, even the day after her own brain surgery !

Mr. Walker helps a teacher connect with her students after brain surgery (!!)
A few months back, a fourth-grade teacher decided to read Mr. Walker Steps Out as part of her regular Thursday night storytime with her students over Facebook Live . . . one day after having brain surgery.
Yahoo! It’s a book!
It’s finally official! Two weeks ago, my new picture book, Mr. Walker Steps Out, entered the world, and now you can get it pretty much anywhere!

Join me for a book celebration!
To celebrate my newest picture book’s arrival into the world, my local bookstore is hosting a “walk-by” launch party—and you can join me!