Yahoo! It’s a book!

photo courtesy of Children’s Book World

photo courtesy of Children’s Book World

It’s finally official! Two weeks ago, my new picture book, Mr. Walker Steps Out, entered the world, and now you can get it pretty much anywhere! (Like at your local indie, or on, or Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, or Powell’s Books, or Target, or Walmart…) You can even get personalized, autographed copies from my local independent bookstore, Children’s Book World.

And speaking of Children’s Book World…


I had a book party! It was tons of fun. It was an outdoor event, to be extra cautious (and masks were worn by all, except in this photo). Children’s Book World supplied treats, and anyone who wanted could “walk by” (get the theme???), grab a snack, have a chat, and get their book autographed by yours truly! It was a blast, and I was so grateful to Children’s Book World for coming up with a creative, safe way to celebrate this very special book. (Sadly, due to an upswing of Covid-19 cases in our area, the store had to switch all their upcoming events to online ones, so mine was the last in-person book event for a while…) It was really wonderful to see so many folks I haven’t visited with in waaaaaay too long, and to meet some lovely new faces too! If you stopped by, thanks for coming! And if not, maybe I’ll see you at the next one. :)

Oh, and if your eagle eye caught sight of a cute little Mr. Walker “TV” in that last photo… that’s an awesome new craft I’ve been working on for a while now. I hope to have it posted on the blog very soon! In the meantime…

Happy reading!




Mr. Walker helps a teacher connect with her students after brain surgery (!!)


A Bushel of Books to Check Out on National Potato Day!