1993 A to Z: F is for…
It’s that time again! . . . Today we’re moving on to “F,” and boy do I have some good ones for you!
1993 A to Z: E is for…
Hello, again! Today on the blog series, 1993 A to Z, we’re talking about the letter “E.” Everything mentioned here is something that twelve-year-old McKinley comes into contact with (in one way or another) in my new novel, Rewind, when she finds herself thrust back in time to the year 1993. So let’s get started, homeslice!
1993 A to Z: D is for…
Hello, and welcome back to my series 1993 A to Z! Here we’re talking about all things 1993, one letter at a time. Everything here is something my protagonist McKinley encounters when she finds herself thrown back in time in my new novel Rewind.
1993 A to Z: C is for…
Today in my hella fly series 1993 A to Z we will be checking out the letter “C.” All of these are things that my protagonist, McKinley, discovers when she is thrust back in time into 1993 in my new book Rewind. (P.S. The book is amazing and you should totally read it!)
1993 A to Z: B is for…
Welcome back to my brand new blog series, 1993 A to Z, in which we discuss all sorts of phat stuff from the 90s, in honor of my newest novel, Rewind. And we do it alphabetically, because I am the daughter of a librarian. Today we’re checking out the letter “B”!
1993 A to Z: A is for…
Since I know most of my readers weren’t actually alive in 1993, I thought it would be fun to delve into some of the many 90’s songs, foods, brands that McKinley in my new novel, Rewind, discovers when she is plopped back in time to 1993. And so I’m introducing my new blog series . . .
1993 A to Z!