1993 A to Z: C is for…
Today in my hella fly series . . .
1993 A to Z!
. . . we will be checking out the letter “C.” All of these are things that my protagonist, McKinley, discovers when she is thrust back in time into 1993 in my new book Rewind. (P.S. The book is amazing and you should totally read it!)
C is for . . .
choker necklaces
The choker necklace (as seen here on both Olsen twins) was basically . . . a necklace that chokes you? Kind of. Often a short length of ribbon or lace, it was worn midway up the neck, rather than dangling as a traditional necklace does. It could have a bauble or not, be thick or thin, but no matter the style they were everywhere in the 90s. In Rewind, McKinley wears a classic lace choker to the Time Hop, because she knows what’s cool. And, like everything else 90s, the choker necklace is making a comeback. So be on the lookout for a choker on a neck near you.
Special props to . . .
Crash Test Dummies
“Once there was this kid who
Got into an accident and couldn’t come to school
But when he finally came back
His hair had turned from black into bright white”
This Canadian rock band is best known for their weird bass vocals and the curious 1993 hit “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm.” I have very vivid memories of watching the video, which features the weirdest school play ever, at my friend Megan’s house, because we weren’t allowed to watch MTV at mine. I used the song as the title of Chapter 14 in Rewind, and even though the tune gets stuck in my head literally every time I come to that page in my manuscript, I have zero regrets about it. (You can find the full playlist of songs I used as chapter titles in my book here!)
. . . And so conclude the “C”s of 1993. Let me know your favorites—or just complain about the ones I didn’t mention—in the comments. Tomorrow we’ll be dishing on “D”! Need something to read while you wait? Check out Rewind here! :)
Happy reading!
♥ Lisa
P.S. To read all the posts in the “1993 A to Z” series, click here!