1993 A to Z: I is for…
Hellooooooo! Ready for more . . .
1993 A to Z!
Of course you are! Why else would you be here??
Today we’re talking the “I”s of 1993—all things that McKinley runs into in my 90s-themed time travel novel Rewind.
Let’s break it down!
I is for . . .
"Ice Cream"
“Your love
Is better than ice cream
Better than anything else that I’ve tried
And your love
Is better than ice cream
Everyone here knows how to fight”
This 1993 jam by Sarah McLachlan gets stuck in my head so hard, you guys. (Please check out this live performance, in which Ms. McLachlan rocks the most 90s eye shadow.) Did I write an entire scene at an ice cream parlor just so I could use this as the title of Chapter 18 in Rewind? Perhaps. Do I regret it? Not for one second.
(P.S. If you want to check out the full playlist of 1993 songs used as chapter titles in Rewind, you can find that here. They’re all winners, I promise!)
Special props to . . .
informercials for spray-on hair
“Instant hair in a can!”
As a child, I had horrible insomnia, and after my mother came into my room once after midnight and found me silently staring at the ceiling, her questionable solution to this problem was to put a TV in my room. So I am very familiar with 90s late-night infomercials—the most memorable of which has to be the ones for GLH, or “Good Looking Hair.” This spray-on hair is, to my surprise, still sold today, on its very own sketchy looking website.